A New Year in Devon
It is a beautiful morning, as I drove over Hembury Hill the mist lay low in the valley and the sun beamed above. The small line of cars travelled slowly to take in the view, some stopped for the photo opportunity - that’s life in Devon - taken slowly.
I felt glad to be here, that we have carved a place for our gallery in this unassuming market town in rural East Devon. We have kept to our principles and taste and fortunately found clients in accord with us. Yes I miss the city, its vigour and pace, especially London with its cultural riches, business opportunities and friends who remain there, but a ten minute commute with one set of traffic lights has its appeal!
The new year is the time for resolves, mine - to get to see plays and exhibitions before they close and to nurture friendships neglected. I shall also appreciate where I am, the beauty, grace and slower pace of Devon.
Oh and one further resolve - to write this blog more often!